East Park Estuary
City of Vancouver (Conceptual)
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Comprehensive Studio Larc 503
East Park Estuary is a design concept for a multi-use ecologically restorative park in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The project’s goal is to mend the fissure between land and sea caused by colonization and the devastating industrialization which followed. By focusing on four major ecosystems found in coastal British Columbia, (alder forest, marsh wetlands, intertidal estuary, and drought tolerant meadows) the park functions not only as an ecologically restorative space but also an educational one. The design of the park utilizes microclimates to encourage change and to allow for a diverse selection of species to thrive within it. This design could function as a model for future parks dealing with the need to reintegrate land and sea.

Field Work Video Documentation

Process Sketches
Ecological Interactions Diagram

Site Photo-Documentation